Victimization prevention is more effective because it allows police and the potential victim to avoid unpleasant and threatening situations in all aspects of professional and personal life. Research findings and the experience of practitioners working with victims are at a discount. The clash was made harder to resolve by the widely differing beliefs as to the immutable principles of justice and the proper objectives of the penal system. The application of crime prevention to squatting is complicated due to the overlap between public and private wrongs, and criminal prosecutions or civil remedies for trespass. In contrast to victimization prevention, crime prevention could raise problems; it is argued that homelessness and poverty justified the squatting of empty domestic or commercial premises. The lengthiness and expense of the available civil solutions strengthened demands for criminal sanctions.
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In sum, the personal responsibility of a victim is of equal importance to crime prevention and detection. Whether intended or not, victimization prevention solutions borrowed from the crime prevention sector as a discipline and incentive for improving the quality and efficiency of the prevention strategies are to militate against the practice of consultation and dispassionate inquiry. The departure from the traditional crime approach to victimization prevention making showed itself in various ways. As the example of victimization prevention shows, the solution may not seem as appropriate or as compelling as when the issue was closer to the forefront of public notice.
Karmen, A. (2006). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Wadsworth Publishing; 6 edition.